Home > Rolando Park News > Rolando Park Community Council Fundraiser

At last night’s meeting, we announced a fundraiser with Double Good Popcorn, starting tonight. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help us continue to host Movie in the Park events for the community.

We’ve hosted two movie in the park events and had more than 200 attendees at our last one. This is a fun event for the entire community.

We’ve been able to cover the expenses for this event for the first two years, but going forward, we need a permanent funding source. And what better way than a movie staple like popcorn, just in time for the holidays?

This fundraiser starts tonight (Tuesday, November 14) at 5pm and runs only until this Saturday (November 18), 5pm. RPCC receives 50% of every sale!

Use this link to order, starting at 5pm:


Once you order, Double Good takes care of everything and will ship directly to you.

All proceeds will help our Movie in the Park fund!

PAYPAL | Pay $13 RPCC Dues