Home > Projects > Rolando Park Recognized as a Separate Beat Area by San Diego Police Department

In 2013 the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) began the process necessary to allow Rolando Park to be given separate recognition from Redwood Village for the purpose of crime statistics.  Prior to this both neighborhoods were lumped together under the name Darnall.

RPCC President Lee Rittiner and neighborhood volunteer Betty White spent hours canvassing Rolando Park homes which had been randomly selected by SDPD. The purpose of the survey was to confirm the neighbors  identified with the Rolando Park neighborhood.  The questions asked were simple: What is the name of your neighborhood? What are the boundaries of your neighborhood? The majority of the neighbors polled showed they did identify with Rolando Park as their neighborhood.

At the April 2014 joint Rolando Park Community Council and Redwood Village Community Council meeting, the SDPD presented President Betty White of RPCC and President Anna Orzel-Arnita of Redwood Village with maps showing their separate neighborhood identities. Rolando Park became beat  841 in the San Diego Police Department’s Mid-City Division. This was a real victory for Rolando Park.


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