Volunteers needed for mini cleanup at Zena Canyon, Saturday, 7/20, 7:30 to 8:30 am
We’ll be cleaning just around the entrance to the canyon on city property only this time. Just a short cleanup this time. Major cleanup coming this fall!
Lions Gift of Sight
Free vision screening and free refurbished eyeglasses at The Kroc Center, Saturday, July 20, 2024, 9 am to 2 pm.
Rolando Park flood victims
We want to thank everyone again for participating in our restaurant fundraisers for our Rolando Park flood victims. Special thanks to Corbin’s Q, Woodstock’s Pizza SDSU, and Rubio’s for hosting these fundraisers for us. Today, VP Michelle Alexander and...
RPE students are going to the County Fair
This year, RPCC applied for a special County Fair ticket program, “Fair for All,” a ticket donation program to enable nonprofits to provide tickets to underserved communities. Happy to report that we received enough tickets so that on Thursday,...
We need your help!
Still collecting signatures. You can take the survey online or… The City of San Diego is in the process of improving University Avenue from 54th Street to Aragon Drive in order to develop safe, dedicated bike lanes. However, this...
Help shape the future of our community and the Mid-City!
Rolando Park, Redwood Village, Rolando, El Cerrito, Webster, and Oak Park are the Eastern Area Communities in the Mid-City. The Mid-City Community Plan Update is currently in process and this is the time for us to share our vision...
Streamview cleanup – Thank you, volunteers!
Thanks to Tim, Vickie, Joyce, George, John, Bettina, Jennifer, Richard, and Lynn for a good day! We filled two dumpsters and sent more than 1,100 pounds of metal to recycling instead of the landfill.
Rolando Park Flood Victims
On Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 3-5 pm, community representatives from Representative Sara Jacobs’ office will have a table set up at the College Rolando Library (6600 Montezuma Rd, San Diego, CA 92115). This is an opportunity for folks...
Open Board Positions
We are still trying to fill open board positions: Secretary: Our community meetings are in-person and online via Zoom and are recorded, so only taking and reporting minutes for our board meetings is required. This board position can be...