The College Neighborhoods Foundation members include Oak Park, Redwood Village, Rolando Park, Rolando, Mesa Colony, El Cerrito and the College Area.
RPCC is currently looking for someone to represent Rolando Park on the College Neighborhoods Foundation Board.
College Neighborhoods Foundation Mission
College Neighborhoods Foundation’s (CNF) Mission is to help enhance the quality of life and revitalize business in the College Neighborhoods.
College Neighborhoods Foundation History
In 1997, a group of community volunteers desired to improve their neighborhood, but lacked the requirements to procure charitable nonprofit grants. The volunteers united to create a charitable nonprofit with the goal to provide support services to any individual or group who had a constructive, workable idea, and the willingness to initiate a project which provided public benefit through use of this charitable nonprofit status. The volunteers invited other community members with specific talents to join the board and further develop the organization known today as the CNF.
See map of CNF area below.