Rolando Park is located in the San Diego Police Department’s (SDPD) Mid-City Division along with twenty-three other neighborhoods from North Park to the west to Rolando and Rolando Park on the east. The Rolando Park beat area is 841.
Our SDPD Community Relations Officer is Terry Hoskins. He is available at thoskins@pd.sandiego.gov. He is your go to person for non-emergency concerns along with the non-emergency number of 619-531-2000. Terry wants to address quality of life issues as well as crime and crime prevention in Rolando Park. You may also connect with Officer Hoskins at our RPCC meetings. In the case of a crime in progress dial 911.
As of December 1, 2012, as an aftermath of the 2010 Census redistricting plan, Rolando Park, along with Redwood Village and northern Oak Park was shifted from our former City Council District 7 to our current City Council District 4.
Our City Council Representative is Councilmember Myrtle Cole. You may connect with Ms. Cole’s Chief of Staff, Jimmie Slack, at our RPCC meetings. He is also available at jslack@sandiego.gov Mr. Slack serves as our liaison with the office of Ms. Cole.
The Office of Mayor Faulconer has a liaison with District 4 including Rolando Park.
Ms. Darnisha Hunter is our liaison with Mayor Faulconer’s office. She is often available at our RPCC meetings and may be reached at dhunter@sandiego.gov.
Rolando Park’s nearest City Library is the Rolando/College library located at 6600 Montezuma Road.
This precious resource provides not only books but a computer lab, Zumba classes, special programs for children and more.
San Diego Fire and Rescue’s Station Number 10 serves SDSU and its surrounding area of 4.37 square miles including Rolando Park.
The station has been located at 4605 62nd Street since March 1977. The services provided include prevention education as well as response to both fire and medical incidents. In the case of fire, dial 911. A San Diego Fire and Rescue officer is often available at our RPCC meetings.
SDPD Neighborhood Nuisance Program
Nuisances can include excessive noise, gang activity, prostitution, drug activity, trespassing, CC&R violations (NOTE from Betty, Rolando Park has no CC&Rs), etc.
The SDPD will assist neighbors wishing to take civil action against problem property owners to abate these and other nuisances. The basis for the civil action is a California law that makes property owners responsible for using their property in an ordinary and reasonable manner that is conducive to the peace and harmony of the neighborhood and does not interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property by others.
Property owners violate the law by allowing a nuisance to exist on their property whether they themselves live there or not. Once they become aware of the nuisance they become responsible for abating it.
The following steps should be taken to keep disputes with neighbors from becoming violent.
- Get to know your neighbor. Introduce yourself and talk about general issues of interest.
- A few weeks later raise your complaint.
- Keep a log of the nuisance. Write down the date, time, duration, and nature and effects of the nuisance.
- Discuss the nuisance with your neighbor and propose a solution to the problem.
- Explain your situation in a calm, polite way and outline the reasons for your concerns.
- Talk to your other neighbors. If the nuisance is affecting them a joint appeal for a solution should be made.
- Try mediation. It’s less formal and may be less expensive than going to court. You can call the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC) at (619) 238-2400 or go to its website at www.ncrconline.com to open a case.
A case coordinator will call you within 24 hours to gather information about your case. The NCRC mediates disputes free of charge through funding by the County of San Diego.
If you need assistance in dealing with a nuisance you can send an e-mail describing the problem to Fred Zuckerman at FZuckerman@pd.sandiego.gov. He will work with you and guide you through a process to abate the nuisance.
The process involves the following steps: collection of evidence, documentation of the nuisance effects, notification and negotiation with the property owner, demand that the nuisance be stopped, etc.
If the property owner fails to abate the nuisance you and other neighbors affected by the nuisance can file a suit in small claims court where you describe the nuisance and your efforts to resolve it. In court, the judge has the power to order the property owner to pay monetary damages. There is no charge for the assistance. Court costs will usually be around $200.
San Diego County Board of Supervisors 4th District
Rolando Park is part of the County Board of Supervisors 4th District. Supervisor Ron Roberts represents the Fourth Supervisorial District, considered the most ethnically diverse district in San Diego County. Approximately 630,000 people reside in the district, which encompasses a majority of the City of San Diego. His office may be reached at (619) 531-5544.
Because all of the Fourth Supervisorial District is located within the City of San Diego, the bulk of municipal services, like street improvements, trash collection and tree trimming, fall under the jurisdiction of the San Diego City Council. In general, the Board of Supervisors is responsible for issues that are more regional in nature, such as public health, animal control, air quality, water quality, probation and operation of the jail system.